Dear Governor Morehead School Community,
Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! We are excited to welcome back our students to in-person learning and to reengage with our community partners. This year promises to be a success as we focus on our vision to nurture, innovate, challenge, and empower our community to best serve and learn together.
As we began to plan for the return of students, the delta variant of COVID 19 came into the scene. Though this did not slow us down in welcoming our students, it was a reminder that the pandemic is still a threat. GMS serves students with a variety of health needs. We continued many of the protocols put into place last March including daily screenings, mask mandates, social distancing, frequent hand washing, and limited visitors and off-campus travel.
We appreciate your continued support, patience, and understanding as we continue to respond to unexpected challenges and adjust to our new norms. As the year progresses, some families have requested to adjust their learning plans to remote learning. Our staff’s dedication to serve and to continue to adapt to the times has allowed us thankfully to meet these requests. GMS’s strength is in providing students an immersive environment for students with visual impairments to learn by being in-person and on our campus. We, however, respect each family’s decision 100% and we are committed to serving our students in the settings these times require. We also appreciate the kindness and patience families have demonstrated as we make these adjustments. If your family is considering learning remotely, please be sure to notify us as soon as possible so we can ensure your child has all the technology and instructional materials they need. Remote students are required to attend their scheduled classes during their typical time, and we ask students and families to continue to communicate on lesson materials, assignments, and assessments. Remote learning requires a strong partnership with our families at home supporting our students learning. We are thankful for the opportunity to work with our families. Please note: - At this time, Remote Learning is for students with an excused absence only or arrangements have been made with our Health Center addressing any health concerns regarding the pandemic. Students with unexcused absences will not be able to attend classes remotely.
Students are expected to bring all their equipment needed to GMS weekly. The purpose for students taking home equipment is:
- To ensure students have access to the devices in the home setting. This reinforces what they are learning in the classrooms and can apply any assistive applications or strategies at home.
- To ensure students and families are familiar with the tools being used.
- Students have the equipment needed if remote learning is triggered because of school closures due to weather or community spread of COVID-19.
Students will be able to continue their use of these devices to support their learning in the classrooms. Instruction on the use of this equipment will continue. The devices will also allow them to be engaged with their peers who are in remote learning. Students should take these devices with them when they return home on the weekends. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the safety of the equipment while traveling. The transporting of student equipment is unique to this year and a result of the current pandemic.
We look forward to a fantastic school year full of nurturing, innovation, challenge, and empowerment. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns as this year unfolds.
Matthew Mescall
A Very Special Resource Fair
From the Eye Shine Foundation:
Sponsors: Eye Shine Foundation, Apex United Methodist Church, Holly Springs Civitan Club
Date: Saturday, September 18, 2021
Location: Apex United Methodist Church
100 S Hughes St, Apex, NC 27502
Time: Vendors will set up at 9:00 am
Families can enter from 10:00 – 2:00 pm